The final conference of project “Cross-border Historical Theme Route of Noble families" held in the City Hall of the City of Virovitica on Thursday, December 15th 2022.  The project was submitted and approved by Development Agency VTA as part of the second Call for project proposals of the Cross-Border...

Manifestacija i otvorenje parka Esterhazy

In the framework of the Interreg - Cross-border Historical Route of Noble Families project, the castle park built with the support of the project was inaugurated in Szentlőrinc on 26.11.2022. The event started with an opening speech by Péter Koltai, Mayor of Szentlőrinc, followed by an exciting presentation by...

“Walk in Franciscan Park”

On Saturday, September 10, starting at 10:00 a.m., the activity of the manifestation of noble families and cultural heritage named "Walk in the Franciscan Park" was held as part of the implementation of the project "Cross-border HIstorical Theme Route of Noble families" - HITRoute. The manifestation began with the reading...

Walk in Franciscan Park on Saturday, September 10

On Saturday, September 10, starting at 10 a.m., as part of the implementation of the HITRoute project, a walk through Franciscan Park will be held. We invite everyone, especially the youngest ones, to take a walk in our newly renovated Franciscan Park, see the exhibition of the City Museum, participate...

Completed works on the reconstruction of the Historical Garden and square in front of the church of St. Rok in Virovitica

The works on the reconstruction of the Historical Garden and the square in front of the Church of St. Rok in Virovitica, one of the main activities of the project "HITRoute - HIistorical Theme Route of Noble families" within the Interreg V-A cooperation program Hungary - Croatia 2014-2020. The Lead...

Certificates of passing the professional exam for tourist guides as part of the implementation of the HITRoute project were distributed

With the aim of strengthening human resources in tourism and based on the approved project "Cross-border HIstorical Theme Route of Noble families" acronym "HITRoute", approved on the call for proposals of the Cross-border Cooperation Program INTERREG VA Hungary - Croatia 2014-2020, Tourist Board of the city of Virovitica, as...

Work in progress on Reconstruction of the Historical Garden and Square in front of the church of st. Rok in Virovitica

Work in progress on Reconstruction of the Historical Garden and the square in front of the Church of St. Rok in Virovitica, one of the main activities of the project "HITRoute - Cross-border HIstorical Theme Route of Noble families" within the Interreg V-A cooperation program Hungary - Croatia 2014-2020....

Opening conference

As part of the project " HITRoute- Cross-border HIstorical Theme Route of Noble families " on January 27, 2021, an opening online conference was held. The opening conference of this project was held within the Interreg V-A Hungary-Croatia Cooperation Program 2014-2020. The project was developed by the Development Agency VTA, the...